Arts Education Programs

Arts Education Curriculum

As a hard-working teacher you have a lot on your plate – curriculum planning, teaching, marking, meetings with parents, dealing with challenging students, the list goes on. It can feel overwhelming at the best of times and coming up with fresh new arts education lessons can be a challenge. Especially if you are a classroom teacher and the arts isn’t your specialty.

Arts education lessons in music, drama, visual arts and dance don’t have to become a source of stress. Everyone needs a bit of help and support and that is what this website is all about. Best-Selling Author, Lisa Phillips, has compiled lots of low-cost and free resources to support you on your quest for arts education material.

Arts & Music Education Programs
Arts & Music Education Programs

There have been many studies conducted on the benefits of art education. If you work or teach in the arts you probably already know many of them. We purposefully integrate creativity, confidence, problem-solving, dreaming big, communication, accountability and adaptability into our resources, because we know those skills are great benefits of art education.

Lisa Phillips’ book, The Artistic Edge, has countless examples of how the arts benefits young people as they figure out who they are and how they wish to contribute to the world. Her book explores not only how experiences in arts education provides a competitive advantage as young people enter the working world, but also how it benefits their personal growth as well.

Here are more benefits of art education:

  • Nurtures creativity;
  • Builds self-confidence;
  • Gives chances to persevere through challenges;
  • Helps one to learn to see problems as opportunities;
  • Teaches that you must focus to achieve your goals;
  • Gives chances to experience the benefits of your dedication
  • Demonstrates that communication is more than just words;
  • Creates opportunities to improve by accepting constructive feedback;
  • Gives opportunities to collaborate with others to create amazing things;
  • Helps to create an understanding that your choices affect other people.

Elementary art curriculum for teachers can be hard to find. We have created dozens of lessons plans, activities and leadership games that classroom teachers can use right away. Just a click away is done-for-you elementary art curriculum. No more worrying. No more wondering what you are going to teach tomorrow. These arts education resources are fun, easy to follow and kid friendly. If you are a classroom teacher, you know that elementary art curriculum has many benefits, but you may need help to come up with lesson plans using the arts. That is where Best-Selling-Author, Lisa Phillips, can help you in music, dance, drama and visual arts.

We know that when children are successful, the world is successful, but we also recognize that before that can happen, YOU need to be successful. That’s why this website was put together – to support you. As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”. Let us be a part of your village as you navigate your elementary art curriculum and the many benefits it has for your students.

Arts Integration activities have many applications across a wide range of subjects. They use the arts as a means of teaching other subjects, which helps to create interest and engagement from the students.

If you are a teacher who does not have an arts background, these arts integration lessons are perfect for you. They are done-for-you with full instructions, so it’s easy to implement in your classroom.